The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and Southeast AgNet are partnering to provide the latest news on citrus-related research in a monthly podcast. The podcast, “All in for Citrus,” will feature short interviews with scientists working to find solutions to citrus greening and other devastating citrus diseases.

7 days ago
All In For Citrus, Episode 79 March 2025
7 days ago
7 days ago
With spring comes a number of citrus events. One of those was the Florida Citrus Show held on March 13 in Fort Pierce. Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, joins the March All In For Citrus podcast to discuss highlights of Florida Citrus Show. He also gives a sneak peek of the annual Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute planned for April 8 at South Florida State College in Avon Park.
Rogers says the seminars were well attended at the Florida Citrus Show and covered a wide range of topics. One highlight was a grower panel, which he says was a good example of growers and researchers collaborating.
“It was good to hear that the growers on the panel were committed to hanging in there and continuing to fight HLB,” says Rogers. “I really appreciated that they are sharing information and working closely with the researchers.”
Chris Oswalt, citrus Extension agent for Polk and Hillsborough counties, also joins the podcast this month to give more details on the Citrus Institute. There’s a change in the program this year that he believes growers will appreciate. After lunch, rather than going back into a seminar setting with speakers, there will be researchers from the various UF/IFAS citrus labs available to answer specific questions from attendees. It will be a way that growers can build their own educational experience. The Citrus Institute will be providing continuing education units for growers.
Also in the March podcast, UF/IFAS weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery discusses his research aimed at helping citrus growers manage weeds. He says this is a tough task given Florida’s climate and large weed-seed bank in the soil. One area he is studying is the growing tolerance weeds are developing to important herbicides like glyphosate. He also talks about the role cover crops could play in weed management.

Thursday Feb 20, 2025
All In For Citrus, Episode 78 February 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
Thursday Feb 20, 2025
In the February episode of the All In For Citrus podcast, Michael Rogers provides an update on activities at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. He said the beginning of the year is the time when current and future projects are evaluated.
“The months of February and March are full of meetings with our faculty one-on-one where we go over the accomplishments of the past year,” Rogers said. “It allows us to see what’s going on more in-depth about the progress being made in research with each faculty member. There are areas where great progress is being made, but they might need more resources and support to make things happen.”
He added that the emphasis is on keeping research moving forward, especially when it comes to HLB. It’s all hands on deck when it comes to HLB.
Rogers said he has reviewed some very promising work in this year’s faculty evaluations. One project is looking at how the HLB bacterium moves from cell to cell in the tree. Molecules that allow the bacteria to move throughout the plant have been identified. By using techniques like CRISPR, scientists could develop a way to prevent those molecules from having the ability to pass along the HLB bacteria.
Another study he mentioned is a project looking at the HLB tolerance of the Parson Brown orange. UF/IFAS is studying why the variety has this tolerance to the disease. This is useful information in developing future HLB-tolerant varieties.
Also in this episode, UF/IFAS associate professor Davie Kadyampakeni shares the latest information on the work to update citrus nutrient recommendations for Florida’s best management practices program. And Ute Albrecht, UF/IFAS associate professor, discusses what has been learned to optimize trunk-injection applications of oxytetracycline.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
All In For Citrus, Episode 77 January 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Recently, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) reported research on the development of a new type of citrus tree that can fight off the HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). The genetically modified tree has only been tested in the lab and the greenhouse, but the research looks promising.
The approach involves inserting a gene into a citrus tree that produces a protein that can kill young ACPs. That gene normally occurs in a soil-borne bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The use of Bt has long been used in row crops like cotton and corn to protect against certain pests.
While the citrus Bt research is promising, the story was picked up by (non-agricultural) media and was portrayed as a “cure” for HLB that was right around the corner. Michael Rogers, director of the UF/IFAS Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida, addressed this during the January 2025 All In For Citrus podcast.
He wanted to set proper expectations about the Bt research and potential time frames. He noted, assuming that the research progressed well, it could be up to five to eight years before it could be available to growers.
“This looks great in the greenhouse, but we really need to get it out into the field to see how it does in real-world conditions,” Rogers said. “That’s what the researchers are doing right now, getting more plants into the field. And we’ll probably need at least three years of field data to show how these plants perform in terms of ACP control, how much HLB is reduced in the trees and if there is any resistance developing. And how do the plants perform (agronomically)?
“I say all this to be sure growers understand that this is not far enough along to be making business decisions on right now. But we want to be sure folks are aware the research is moving forward.”
Also in the January episode of All In For Citrus, UF/IFAS researchers who spoke during the recent Citrus Nutrition Day provide a recap of the event.
The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Friday Dec 20, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 76 December 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
There’s been much talk about the “tree of the future” in the Florida citrus industry. That’s a tree with the trifecta of HLB-resistance, great quality and strong yield. So far, that perfect combination has not been found. But the search is on.
This was a topic of discussion during the December episode of the All In For Citrus podcast. Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, joins the episode to give an update on the progress being made toward a tree that has the necessary HLB tolerance to be a viable candidate to help turn the industry around.
Rogers discusses the conventional breeding efforts and work in gene editing and transgenics aimed at delivering a rootstock of variety tolerant or resistant to HLB. While progress is being made, he cautioned it is still some time yet before this research yields a tree that is commercially available to growers. But he added that getting new varieties to growers faster is understood, as evidenced by the way the research community is approaching the task.
John Chater, UF/IFAS assistant professor of horticultural sciences, also joins the podcast to discuss his collaborations with growers to evaluate varieties and rootstocks that have exhibited better tolerance to HLB. He commented on results of the recent Florida Citrus State of the Industry Survey conducted by Citrus Industry.
Also in the December podcast episode, Chris Oswalt, UF/IFAS citrus Extension agent, shares some tips to prepare for winter and the steps to take should freeze protection be necessary. His main take-home message is to have a plan and know exactly what you need to do when a freeze is forecast. Don’t want until to the day before to prepare.
The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Friday Nov 22, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 75 November 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
In November, academia from around the world gathered in Jeju, Korea, for the 2024 International Citrus Congress. A contingent of researchers from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) attended the event.
Michael Rogers, director of the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center, was among the attendees. He discusses the trip in the November episode of the All In For Citrus podcast. Rogers describes citrus growing on the island of Jeju. There’s about 54,000 acres of citrus grown there with annual production of about 15 million boxes. There is no confirmed presence of HLB on the island.
HLB was a major topic of discussion during the event. Water availability was also a focus of the presentations. Many citrus production regions are facing water shortfalls. This is expected to get worse as the climate changes and more demand is put on water supplies.
Brazil is one of those regions dealing with water availability. The country’s last crop was reduced by about 20% due to drought stress. Brazil also has seen a spike in HLB infection rates, which is forcing growers to plant new groves north of the current main growing regions.
Mohammad Shahid, UF/IFAS assistant professor of horticulture, also joined the podcast to provide an update on the cold-hardy citrus region. Production continues to expand in the area with some 7,000 to 8,000 acres of citrus.
Also in the November episode, Flavia Zambon discusses a field day hosted at the UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce, Florida. The field day featured a tour of the experimental Millennium Block, which is evaluating HLB tolerance of various rootstock/scion combinations. The block is one of the largest trials for HLB tolerance in grapefruit.

Monday Oct 21, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 74 October 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
On Oct. 9, Hurricane Milton made landfall near Siesta Key, Florida, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Some key citrus-growing regions felt impacts from the storm. While damage was spotty, fruit loss was significant for some. Now, the waiting game is on to see how much more fruit drops from the stress to trees caused by the storm.
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) quickly organized a webinar after the storm to provide growers with information about resources available to rehab trees and seek financial assistance. The webinar is the topic of the October All In For Citrus podcast.
Michael Rogers, director of the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC), shares highlights of the webinar and gives updates on what he was hearing and seeing in groves after the storm. He also discusses how CREC facilities and groves made it through the storm.
Chris Oswalt, UF/IFAS citrus Extension agent for Polk and Hillsborough counties, talks about the path of the storm and how it impacted various citrus-growing regions. He says the storm had a large wind field with 70 to 80 mph winds reaching well inland across Florida. He also draws some comparisons between Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Ian, which struck in 2022.
Tripti Vashisth, UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences, joins the podcast to provide guidance on the use of plant growth regulators to help reduce the amount of fruit drop in the wake of the storm. Applied in a timely manner, 2,4-D can reduce delayed fruit drop that could be caused by Milton.
To learn more about Hurricane Milton damage and resources available to help growers, don’t miss the October episode of All In For Citrus. The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 73 September 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Mark Ritenour, professor of postharvest technology with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), joined the September episode of the All In For Citrus podcast to provide a recap of Packinghouse Day. The event was held Sept. 12 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred.
Based at the Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce, Ritenour has worked with UF/IFAS for 26 years. Much of his research has focused on the fresh fruit industry. That is also the focus of Packinghouse Day, which marked its 63rd year in 2024.
Ritenour said despite the sharp contraction of the fresh citrus segment in recent years, Packinghouse Day has maintained a loyal following of growers, packers and stakeholders who value the meeting and the opportunity to get together with industry peers.
The educational program touched on a wide range of topics. Scott McClure, with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, informed growers and packers about the services the agency offers to help prepare for food safety audits and other audits.
The meeting also addressed movement of fruit between states.
“There are agreements between Florida, Alabama and Georgia on the movement of fruit, but you must contact your respective departments of agriculture (and get clearance), along with preharvest grove inspections to get certificates to harvest the fruit and transport it across those boarders,” Ritenour said. “The good news is you can do it, and there are procedures in place (to accommodate the movement).”
There was a presentation from Paul Mears of the U.S. Department of Agriculture on the phytosanitary requirements of key export markets for fresh citrus. Other topics addressed included disease management and requirements to avoid the potential of pest movement in shipments. Ritenour discusses these presentations in the podcast.
A highlight of Packinghouse Day was the John T. Lesley Award of Excellence presentation. The honor was first presented in 1981 to John T. Lesley for “recognition of an individual for outstanding leadership and service on behalf of the Florida fresh citrus industry.” This year’s winner is Lindsay Raley Jr. of Dundee Citrus Growers Association.
Also in the podcast, Michael Rogers, CREC director, provides a rundown of a busy slate of citrus events planned for this fall. Don’t miss the September episode of All In For Citrus. The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 72 August 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
The August episode of the All In For Citrus podcast features highlights from this year’s Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. The event included two citrus educational sessions that covered a wide range of topics, including HLB management, other pest management topics and new varieties.
Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, said the citrus research team relies on input from growers to develop the seminar program and tries to cover hot-button issues of the moment.
“Obviously, oxytetracycline (OTC) trunk-injection therapies are a real hot topic in the industry, so we had a couple of presentations at the Expo on the topic,” Rogers said. “We also heard about some research from our foundational programs on things like nutrient and irrigation management.”
Rogers added that a few speakers discussed longer-term research to deliver an HLB-resistant citrus tree. Among those speakers was Charlie Messina, who is the director of the UF/IFAS Crop Transformation Center.
Ute Albrecht, UF/IFAS associate professor of plant physiology, joined the podcast to discuss her presentation on research regarding OTC applications. She said growers have learned a lot about trunk injection in the past two seasons and they are applying that knowledge in the grove.
Albrecht discussed how citrus trees benefit from multiple trunk-injection sites to split applications and better distribute OTC benefits throughout a tree. This practice also helps reduce any phytotoxicity responses after applications, which were observed this year.
Manjul Dutt, UF/IFAS assistant professor of horticultural sciences, also joined the podcast to talk about his presentation at the Expo featuring early-season varieties that have shown improved tolerance to HLB. Chief among those varieties is Parson Brown, which is more than 100 years old and has captured grower attention due to its productivity despite HLB infection.
To hear more about these presentations from the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo, don’t miss the August episode of All In For Citrus. The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 71 July 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
As citrus growers try to stabilize production in the midst of endemic HLB, maintaining the industry’s infrastructure is critically important. Two key sectors of that infrastructure are citrus nurseries and juice processors.
In the July episode of the All In For Citrus podcast, Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, discusses research efforts aimed at helping those two sectors.
“One of the vital parts of our industry is the citrus nursery segment, and right now, they are having a hard time moving plant material and getting orders,” Rogers says. “If these nurseries go out of business, we won’t have anywhere to go to get our trees. So, we feel it is really important that we help support them.”
Among the efforts to support nurseries is the promotion of growing dooryard citrus through the UF/IFAS Home Citrus Project. Dooryard citrus has been an important lifeline for nurseries as commercial demand has fallen off due to HLB.
“Homeowners typically have one or two trees in their yard and want to baby those trees,” Rogers says. “We have stepped back into the homeowner arena with some of our educational programs.”
The project is engaging with Master Gardeners to give them tools to teach about best practices when it comes to raising a citrus tree at home. A homeowner newsletter and a website dedicated to home growing are also part of the project.
On the juice processing side, Rogers discusses research by Yu Wang, UF/IFAS associate professor of food science. She has recently identified a compound in citrus peels that helps inhibit a bacterium in the human gut that can contribute to cardiovascular disease.
“In an average year, we generate 5 million tons of orange peel waste just from processing round oranges,” Rogers says. “About half of that goes to cattle feed, but the other half is basically thrown away at the processors’ expense.”
Wang’s research could lead to a dietary supplement to encourage heart health using orange peel as the source. This could give orange juice processors a much needed new revenue stream.
To hear more about efforts to support nurseries and processors, listen to the July episode of All In For Citrus. The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
All In For Citrus, Episode 70 June 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
The educational seminars at the June Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference covered a wide range of topics intended to give growers hope that progress is being made in the fight against HLB.
During the June All In For Citrus podcast, Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center, discussed presentations UF/IFAS scientists made at the conference.
“We had two of our faculty speak on topics of relative importance and things growers can incorporate in the grove now,” Rogers said.
Ute Albrecht, UF/IFAS associate professor of plant physiology, spoke about her latest research on trunk-injection therapy. She presented some new data collected over the past season.
“In general, what she presented was most of her trial sites are showing improvements in health metrics they are measuring in terms of canopy growth, overall appearance of the trees and some increases in fruit yields and maybe some Brix improvements in some locations,” Rogers said. “The results have not all been consistent, and she will tell you that not all trees are the same. There is a mixed bag of results out there. Every tree is a different individual, so they are going to respond (to treatments) differently. But over time, as the trees have received multiple treatments, we are hopeful those benefits will increase.”
Albrecht observed where growers do double-sided injections on the tree trunk, oxytetracycline (OTC) is distributed more evenly throughout the tree. Rogers said that might not be practical for growers in every grove and on every tree, but there is evidence it is beneficial.
Tripti Vashisth, UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences, presented her research on the use of plant growth regulators (PGRs). Rogers noted that PGR applications will be a key benefit when growers must take a break applying OTC next season per label requirements.
One new observation is that gibberellic acid applied via irrigation along with foliar applications provides better results than foliar applications or chemigation alone.
“Where gibberellic acid was foliar applied and supplemented by chemigation was where she saw the biggest benefit in terms of fruit yield increases and tree health increases,” Rogers said. “That was new and interesting information.”
Get more details on this research and more in the June episode of All In For Citrus. The podcast is a partnership between UF/IFAS and AgNet Media.